Template Coming Soon!
Across the Miles by Tracie Stroud and Amber Shaw
Every once in awhile I'll get in the mood to scrap a more "artsy" type of page. Sometimes a song speaks to me. The words are almost exactly what I'm feeling. Since I'm not that great of a writer, and I can't always articulate what I'm feeling I'll use the song as a basis for my art journal page. The song, The Waiting by Jamie Grace, came on one day after my oldest daughter had just bought her new album (she loves Jamie Grace!). I immediately looked up the lyrics and knew they were exactly what I had been feeling:
What will it look like?
What will it be like? When my world turns out like You planned When will I get there? ......... I anxiously wait As I hold on to love that won’t ever let go And in these times when my patience is tested Won’t you remind me that I’m not alone Here in the waiting The waiting.....
I'm waiting for my boy, wondering what it's going to be like, a little afraid of what it's going to be like....getting a little anxious as I wait daily to hear news about our letter of approval. We were told we could possibly get it in February. The days are ticking by.
I know I'm not alone. God is right there beside me, and He's also been gracious enough to give me friends who are going through the same thing as me.
Folded Templates by Scrapping with Liz
Friends Bundle by Bella Gypsy Designs |
I've gotten to know a couple of the moms and needless to say we are all anxious to bring our boys home. They've given me permission to share their photos here and to link you up to their blogs and fundraisers. Two of the families are still raising funds to bring their boys home. The Krinke family is bringing Ty home (the little boy in the bottom right picture with Matthew). Please consider donating some money to help their family. Then the Hoppes family is bringing home PJ (he's the little boy on the very left on the top photo and then right next to Matthew in the middle photo). They have a fundraiser here. *fundraisers are over*
I know this is a digital scrapbooking blog, but it's also a place for me to share my personal scrapbook pages and stories. You all have been such an incredible blessing to my family, and I'm hoping to be a blessing these two families by sharing their fundraising pages.
I'll be sure to let you know as soon as we get our letter of approval!
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