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Daily Life Templates 4 by Scrapping with Liz Little Days by Forever Joy Designs Basics: Timekeeping by Forever Joy Designs (for the numbers) For the Record by Forever Joy Designs (for the alpha) |
Photography Tip: Include other important people in your photos. I tend to usually focus on my girls and hubby when it comes to taking pictures and remembering our daily life. I need to remember to include the grandparents more! Thanks to my hubby I was able to include a picture of Lydia sitting on Grandma's lap after we got home from our date.
Scrapbook Tip: When you are browsing your photos trying to figure out which ones should go on your page, make sure you don't always pick the best looking photo. Choose the photos that have significance, the ones you know you want to remember because of the memory. I took a lot of photos this week, and I really had to narrow it down. I looked at all my photos and specifically picked out ones that really captured our week. It meant putting some not so perfect pictures on my page, like the one that is out of focus. I really wanted to capture what it was like having 11 kids eating on our porch. Or the one taken with the phone, it would have ended up looking so much better with my DSLR. It also meant that I had to leave some pictures off of the page, like the ones I took of my kids eating watermelon. I've been practicing my photography, and I really like how they turned out. But they just weren't going to fit on this Daily Life page. I'll save those for another page down the road...or maybe I'll get them printed and hang them up somewhere!
Journaling: This week Daddy and I got to go on a date. Grandma watched the girls while we went to have some Basil Rolls and watch, “God’s Not Dead.” Then I snapped some pictures of us just around the house. The girls have gotten into the rainbow loom craze. Ashlyn saved up enough money to buy her own rainbow loom. She’s been spending her time watching youtube videos and making all sorts of projects. The bottom picture is of the girls during their “art lesson”. We are learning about scale and lines. They are drawing the Mona Lisa. I’ll take a pic of the finished products next week.
Journaling: My sisters and I grilled hot dogs and hamburgers for the kids while the guys were gone. The next night the girls had friends over so we ordered pizza and sat on the porch again. Saturday ended with PBandJ at the park for dinner. Can you tell we are enjoying this weather? The pic above is of Kyla helping me get some scrambled eggs ready. She loves cracking the eggs.
And here's your Daily Life Journal Card for the week. It would be fun on a Daily Life page or just made into a title for any of your digital scrapbook pages. Click the image to download.

Great journal card Liz!! Thank you for your generosity :)
Thanks so much for the lovely journal card! :)
I really appreciate these! Thanks
I love your advice about including "not perfect" photos! Sometimes I stress so much about what to put on and what to leave off. This really helps make the point about the page clear.
And thanks for the freebie too!
Thank you for another great journal card, Liz!
Great pages this week! And the journal card freebie is the cutest. Thank you!
Thank you for this journal card and all the other goodies you share :)
Thank you for sharing the journal cards - it is very much appreciated!
Thank you for another week and another template.
Hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, and PBJs all sound like yummy fun, and throw in some family or friends and it becomes a party. -Marie
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