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Daily Life Templates 11 by Scrapping with Liz Best Place to Be by Juno Designs |
Since I journaled a lot on my pages this week, I'll just let you read about our week below. Don't forget to grab the free journal card template too!
Journaling: Can you believe there was snow this week? The kids woke up on Saturday morning and there was a little tiny bit of snow on the ground and the flakes were still coming down. Above is a somewhat staged photo of them trying to catch the flakes (Daddy took it).
I also snapped a few photos of normal, everyday things around here. Breakfast at the counter, school at the table and Tuesday night guitar lessons with Daddy. This is really what our life looks like on a day-to-day basis.
Journaling: Look at her face. She just looks so adorable bundled up. We had our first really cold spell this week (along with the snow). So far the kids are loving getting bundled up and playing out side. Mom, not so much. It makes too much extra laundry.
We celebrated Emmie’s birthday a couple days early. She wanted to get her ears pierced. Daddy gave her permission, so off her and I went to Wal-Mart. It took only a few minutes. When we got home she told Ashlyn that ‘it didn’t hurt at all!' She talked Ashlyn into getting hers pierced too. Since Ashlyn had her own money and said she would pay for it herself, I took them both back and Ashlyn got hers pierced.
Below is a picture of what Matthew likes doing best. He like to build trains tracks and cities. He gets a lot of help from his sisters. On this particular track he got help from his cousin Joe who came to play one afternoon.
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Thank you very much.
Great templates!
I use on average at least four pictures.I have some singles, but I prefer ti tell a story and that impleis a little more that one.
Thank you for the templates! Great idea!
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